Surefire Chocolate Chunk Cookies

This recipe uses a stand mixer and is made at sea-level. Adjust accordingly!

Recipe makes approx. 30-40 cookies

Baking Temp - 220C / 425F - Fan setting

Baking Time - 10-13 min


Dry Ingredients

230g Cake Flour

275g Regular Flour

5g Kosher Salt

15g Corn Starch

10g Baking Soda

1 pinch Instant Coffee Powder (optional)

Other ingredients

280g Unsalted Butter

285g Brown Sugar

115g White Sugar

2 Large Eggs

3 Large Egg Yolks

200-400g Dark Baking Chocolate



Cube butter, melt in microwave ~1 min, stir until consistent, let cool

Chop chocolate into chunks

Combine dry ingredients (sift) into large bowl, preferably with lipped side

Put White/Brown Sugar into a stand mixer, mix together.

Pour butter into mixer, medium-low speed

Slowly pour eggs in, run for about 1-2 minutes

When smooth, add dry mixture

Lower speed to low for 1-2 minutes

Add chocolate at end, run until evenly distributed

Put into large 2-4L plastic bag (Easily done by lining small bowl with bag, then use spatula to add, similar to piping bag)

Place on the counter, press dough to distribute evenly in the bag, rolling pin will expedite this.

Place in the fridge for at least 1 hour, ideally longer, overnight works well.


Preheat oven to 220C / 425F - Fan setting (ideal)

Remove from fridge and bag, place on chopping block, cut a test square to estimate weight (1 square should be about 40g, +/- 5g.

Cut grid lines to best estimate equal weight/sizing -- use kitchen scale to adjust individually as needed

Roll squares into golf ball shape

Place on baking sheet with baking parchment

Bake for 10-13 minutes

Remove and place on a wire rack immediately to let finish cooking.

Wait at least 10 minutes and enjoy :)

Brenna Higgins

Brenna Higgins

Customer Success Manager



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420 Gumdrop Lane Lilliput